
Tuesday, March 8, 2011


I have an intense case of spring fever. It's really bad, but thankfully this rainy weather has somewhat put a damper on it (But weirdly enough, I honestly love rainy/messy weather..strange I know). I think it's just the combination of spring break being in 3 days for me! Ahh!! And that I know when I get back from SB I only have 6 wks of school for the semester left! And that is a HUGE relief!

Anyone who knows me in the slightest bit knows that I am 1000000% OBSESSED with nursing. It's kind of out of control really. If your around me for more than 20 minutes, odds are I've already referenced something nursing related at least 3x. Like I am admitting publicly right now, that I enjoy studying for my classes and just everything that comes along with it (Nerd at heart). I mean don't get me wrong it's ridiculously hard and intense and overwhelming 98% of the time, but I think I've grown accustomed to that. I just love the act of caring and physically taking care of someone who can not do it for themselves. I believe that nursing is THE most humbling profession. Not going to lie there are some mornings that I wake up @ 4AM (yep, a day in the life of a nursing student) to go to clinicals and the last thing I want to think about is the things I'll be dealing with in the coming hours. But honestly I wouldn't trade my major choice for anything, because once I am on the unit with my patients I am in my element (ha! Soooooo cheesy!). But for real, I LOVE interacting with people, esp. my patients :)  Another nerdy confession, one of the books I am currently reading is a documentary type book titled "Nurse" that is about 6 wks in the life of a med-surg nurse. I just love it. All the things the author talks about are so true. And as I am going through my 3rd semester of nursing school in Adult and Mental health, I am truly seeing the themes in this book play out in my everyday clinical nursing care. On the back of the book in large print it says, "Sometimes I help people live. Sometimes I help people die. Always I help them. I'm a nurse." Ha..kind of dramatic, I'll agree, but it's true I feel like. I mean I don't know, you who are reading this may be thinking, please, give it a break, nursing is not that legit. But it is most definitely legit to me, and I absolutely love it. It's me. It's my personality. I am and have always been the one who wanted to take care of everyone. I don't know I just love loving on people.... Ok off my random nursing soapbox explosion! :)

But anyways so I have been doing intense schooling since last June and so this summer I have no classes to take and am planning to spend the summer with my first ever BFF, Miss Lindsey Gillen, in Guntersville on the lake relaxing, soaking up the sun, reading a billion books, and just enjoying the scenery of life! And I couldn't possibly be more excited!! Also I'm hoping, if everything pulls together correctly, I'll be leading a little disciple group with my sister and her 3 best friends, and I am over the moon about that (prayers please!)!! Needless to say, I am so ready for a break to relax and just enjoy and this summer is going to be my perfect chance!

Oh and P.S I am leaving for New York in 3 days and then DC in 8 days! Ahhhh! Im super excited for this much needed spring vaca!


  1. ahh so good! you pulled through under pressure! nursing, books, and all we're missing is the bath! kidding haha. love you!

  2. hahaha i agree with carolyne.

  3. Sara and Carolyne this post was post-bath so believe me... all 3 were there!
