
Wednesday, March 2, 2011

And the walls came tumbling down...

This wk has been so "free" for me. I usually have clinicals at least 3 days a wk and class from 8-4 on Mondays and then studying every second in between all of that, but this wk I only have 1 day of clinicals and that's it! Its been so great and luckily the weather has been perfect, so that means lots of time outside :) It's funny though because it's like I have no idea what to do with my time during the days... like I almost have a little anxiety over it! Ha! But the break is much appreciated and now I'm even closer to SPRING BREAK!!! Ah I can't wait!

I know many of you know of the Radical Experiment. Well I read Radical over Christmas and my best friend {Sara :) } and I decided to give it a try. Well so far the only part I've really been able to keep up with is the daily reading of your bible, leading to reading through the Word in a year. So I use the little schedule for daily reading in the back of my Bible and it works great! So a lot of my posts will probably be stemming from that!

Today's reading was Joshua 5:13-6:27. I really found this passage neat. There were 2 main things that really stood out to me. So here goes.... this passage is the story of Joshua leading the Israelites into Jericho. God gave the people specific instructions on how they would enter Jericho. God told Joshua that him and his men would march around the city of Jericho for 6 days, once a day. Then on the 7th day they were to march around 7x and when they heard the long sound of the trumpet, they were to all SHOUT as loud as they could, and the walls of Jericho would go tumbling down! A simple shout cause these walls that were 25 ft high and 20 ft thick in some areas to fall! Now that is CRAZY! God wanted to show the Israelites that no weapons would win the war for them, only their faith and obedience in God. I feel like this is so applicable to how we should live our lives today. No weapons of hurtful words, harmful actions, and everything else we turn to to "defeat" others will ever advance us in the long-run. The only way we will triumph over our enemies and have full success is if we have faith in God and his plan for us! With faith and obedience to Him we will WIN, only because of Him--not because of me or what I did. The 2nd thing that really struck me weird at first was in 6:21. "They completely destroyed everything in it with their swords-- men and women, young and old, cattle, sheep, goats, and donkeys". When I read this I was like...woah, wait a sec, that sounds terrible! But then after further reading I discovered that God required them to destroy everything in Jericho and that none of it would be taken for themselves! God was carrying out the severe judgement on the Canaanites because of their evil practices and idolatry, they were the complete rebellion of God. God had to have everything having to do with Jericho destroyed because it would soon corrupt the Israelites if not done away with. Yet again, God was PROTECTING the people who loved and obeyed Him, from the things He KNEW would destroy them! This may have no correlation at all and I could be 100% off here, but it made me think about all the things that I want and desire for so strongly, yet never receive or have taken away. Maybe that's God's hands protecting me from what he knows would not be good for me and the effort for the right kind of living that God demands :)


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