
Monday, March 28, 2011

Hodge-Podge Post..

Like the title this post is going to be a hodge-podge of random things.....Just cause it's what's in my mind tonight! :)

So this wkd was the ultimate. Today (Monday) was the first wkd ALL SEMESTER that I haven't had a test on Monday to study for! So I took full advantage of it and lovvvved it!

Friday Vic, Courtney and I laid out with some other pledge sisters and a friend of mine from nursing school! The weather was amazing, just enough to start getting a tan! Yay! We all hung out at Vic's apt and then went out Friday night. Ahh so much fun! I literally haven't been out in so long, that it was a blast! Much needed! And then Saturday we thought it was going to rain so Vic and I planned a craft and movie day! Pretty much my dream day! And after much hard work these are the 2 things I made!!

So this is terrible lighting and doens't do it justice. But its just branches from Hobby Lobby and then I made paper flowers and attached! So simple and fun! 

And ta-da! A spring time wreath! I thought it was so fun and bright! I just loved it! Now this took a little more time (actually a lot) but it was so worth it! Its just a wreath frame with cloth covering and cloth flowers!

And then Sunday I spent watching like legit 5 movies and catching up on all my reading! Like I said....could this have been a dream wkd?? Most definitely! It was much needed and so great!

So last wk at Crusades Jeff spoke about being satisfied with God, even when He doesn't feel satisfying. Jeff does a great talk on this topic, and I always love it! I feel like each time it has new and better meaning to me. Anyways with the talk came an article from a man named Larry Crabb.  (Here it is: ) It's a must read, I'm serious! Anyways there were two main paragraphs in this article that really stuck out to me. And then along with those 2 things, tonight at community group there was a question in our study and the answer really hit me in the face. And I'm not even sure if the 2 correlate together or if its going to make any sense for me to combine them... but maybe, cause somehow they fused as one in my mind!

In walking with Christ there are times were it feels just plain bad. When giving in to "what everyone else is doing" would (you think) make you much more satisfied. But its faith, that reminds you and brings you back home to knowing that even though Christ may not seem satisfying right now...what He is currently doing in your life that you may not be able to see, will surely be much, much more than satisfying one day in heaven with God.

"He was not helped by the erroneous but popular teaching that there is a way to feel so alive in God that sin loses its appeal, and that pursuing the experience of aliveness is the legitimate center of the spiritual adventure. That teaching is deadly, all the more so because it is so near the truth. Knowing God is life. But living to feel alive is not the same as living to know and glorify God. When the bottom line is reached, the issue is not finding an experience of overwhelming joy in knowing Jesus. That will happen later. It may happen now. If it does, praise God. When the bottom line is reached, the issue is faith; what do you most deeply believe? How then shall you live? Heaven is coming up. Only that fact makes sense of the choice to perservere when blessings are withheld, when emptiness is seemingly unending, when anguish of soul eclipses even the prospect of joy."

Desire...oh that word. You know all those things you want, and think you just must have. Everyone can identify with that feeling, guys and girls. But what about storing your treasures up in heaven (Matthew 6:18-20), what about sacrificially loving God while here on Earth, so that your worth and belongings are with the one and only one that is your true lover and husband. We are his bride and he ensures us that through our faith in Him we will never be let down by his grace, love and eternal gifts.

"If the real battle is to keep from making an idol of desire, if the real battle is to let our choices be ruled by a desire for God that sometimes leaves us empty and lonely, then, though we can rightly celebrate whatever blessings come our way and enjoy the pleasure they bring, we must never deposit that pleasure in the bank and write checks on that account. We must rather hope in Christ when life makes no sense, when sin does a better job of relieving emptiness than righteous living. We must write checks on the account of faith. Our hope must be fixed on Jesus, and the hope his presence brings, not on satisfied desire in this life."

So thus far, what have we been worried about? US. Yep me, I, number 1, what I want and what I need to feel satisfied.  So tonight in community group we read John 17:1-26 and discussed some things. One question we asked was, " What is then the reason God created us?" After much discussion we came to the realization that pretty much made us go...oh. God created us and sent Jesus to be an example and pay the ransom for each of my filthy, heavy sins, so that... We could bring glory to God! I am here for God's glory, not for my own desires or selfish wants and wishes in life. It magnifies my sin to know that I was created to bring GLORY to God, and that everyday I sin, robbing God of his due glory! (The sole reason I am even here!) Get's you, huh?

Anyways... thats my hodge-podge of random thoughts. Hope they made some kind of sense ha! All in all I am thankful every second that I have a savior who grants me new grace everyday :)


Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Spring Break Vaca!

I had the absolute best SB EVER! Really it was so much fun! My family and I went to NYC through Wednesday and then DC through Friday! My family literally hasn't taken a true family vacation in like....gosh at least 5 years. Every  so called "beach vacation" or anything of that sort was actually a disguise for a softball tournament or volleyball tournament. And don't get me wrong, those were a blast because I had my family and my best friends with me, what more could I ask for right? But it was def time for a real, non-athletic associated, Mason family vacation... And that we got!

So here's a synopsis...may get lengthy.. hang in there I can promise at least 2 stomach cramping laughs (well at least they were in person!) :)

So the trip starts out with Momma and I packing the luggage into the car..It was actually more like a logic puzzle. We twisted and turned and moved the luggage until there was a precisely perfect fit! And of course, Mom had me crawling in and fitting and pulling everything....and we actually found I was a perfect fit in a little nook between the luggage! Ha...

The travel up was fun, but pretty much un fast-forward! We arrive in NYC on Sunday night at like 11:00 PM. Driving into the city was one of the most exciting parts of the trip! Neither my sister, mom, or I have ever been to New York, so we were like little kids constantly saying, "Ooohh Mom/Dad, look over here! Look at that! Ahh!". Ha it was great! Once in the hotel we discover that we may possibly have the tiniest room that has ever held 4 humans. Really it was hysterical! But hey, what else do you expect on a family vaca besides extreme bonding! We just through our bags down and immediately went walking through Times Square at midnight. Walking around in the city for the first time was so neat. Lights? Umm.. woah serious electrical bill there. Like it was crazy how bright and crowded and intense things were at midnight on a Sunday! We walked around for about an hour then went back and crashed for the night!

Monday: We woke up "bright-eyed and bushy tailed" (my dad's favorite morning-time quote ha) and ready to take on the city. Its literally almost like a blur all that we did because we did so much! We toured the empire state building and went up to the observation deck, where you can look off and see literally the next state (New Jersey). It was such an incredible view.

After the Empire State building we went to St. Pauls Chapel and Ground Zero. St. Pauls was incredible. That church is across the street from where the twin towers stood, and with all the damage done to buildings 5 blocks away, this church stood across the street untouched. Coincidence? I think not! The church was beautiful and the stories and moments that were captured in that sanctuary following the days of 9/11 as it served as a resting area for rescue workers to get sleep between shifts and everything else that it stood for itself are undescrible. Really, just standing in that building there is an immediate sense of awe.

Then we treked on following the pack leader, Mom, to the Brooklyn bridge. It was as expected, awesome! But I'm pretty sure it would have been alot more enjoyable if my mom hadn't have thought there was a prize for crossing it in record time. Im serious...the woman can power walk. She left my dad, sister and I in the dust... it was intense. But we got some great pictures and it was comical relief!

Following that we road the Stanton Island ferry and saw the Statue of Liberty. Pretty neat. But it was soooo cold! And it was nearing the end of the day and seeing as we had conquured 5 major tourist sights by 6 PM... we were so tired...

But dinner and more exploring were the obvious actions we took!

Tuesday we explored Central Park and Chinatown! My 2 favs!! The history and movies filmed in Central Park is awesome to see. Not to mention the GORGEOUS trees and flowers and awesome running trails (true love). Now guilty pleasure. I could walk up and down that street and be taken in a hundred different secret rooms and allys to see purses, watches, jewelry, anything and everything for super cheap. Now if it's real authentic stuff....I don't know, but if its fakes then someone went to a lot of trouble mimicing the pieces so closely! I don't care though, I loved it! As my mom said when we first started with our first journey to buy things in chinatown.. "Oh no Andy...Amanda's in her element, shopping.." and sad but true. Its a weakness of mine.

Oh we also ate at the Shake Shack on tuesday and got to meet the chef/owner who apparently through google is a HUGE DEAL chef... pretty neat. Oh and the food was delicious! (Actually only my mom, sister, and I ate, while my sweet Daddy stood in line for show tickets!) We saw Mamma Mia Tuesday night and it was so great! It was hysterical, the music was so fun, and the main character, (Sophie's Mom) was absolutely incredible! I could watch her act and sing every day! Such an awesome experience.

Oh here's the first big laugh of the trip. So we are walking back to our hotel after the show. I have to give you the set up first for you to understand. Cara Lee and I are in front, with CL closest to the street..Dad and Mom are behind us with Dad closest to the street. were walking along and literally out of nowhere I feel this grabbing on my shoulders and back, and by the time I can turn back to see what in the world it is...I see out of the corner of my eye, my mom literally rolling off the sidewalk and into the street! Hahahahahha. And I mean rolling with velocity. She popped up faster than she fell and continued on...but the other 3 of us couldn't continue on because we could not breath for laughing so uncontrollably. My dad kept saying he thought she'd been tackled ha, but she claims she hit an unraising in the sidewalk ha. It was so great! Although, poor thing now has a bruise that covers her entire left hip....I couldn't fall asleep that night because everytime I closed my eyes I saw mom rolling. Priceless. Oh and that grabbing on my shoulders and back I felt...that was mom grasping for something to break her fall, thanks mom.

Here's a few more NYC photos!

Oh and one of the neatest things we saw was a simple metal fence near Soho that was covered with tiles that had been decorated by children all over America, showing their support for our troops overseas. It was absolutely precious! I took, like 25 pictures of it and its only like 12 ft long...but I was obsessed! Here it is!

That pretty much concludes our major stories and adventures in NYC, but it most definitely does not justify our time there. We had the best time ever! But it was on to DC!

Here's funny story number 2! So on the way to DC we drove through this huge state park that had massive mountains up to 4000 feet. My dad was driving and we were just riding along enjoying the scenery when we saw a side of my dad none of us knew! As were climbing up the mountians (by car of course) Dad keeps getting more nervous and states that his hands are sweating haha. After about 10 minutes of his nervousness my mom finally insisted he pull off and let her drive! My dad immediately did! He was SO scared of how high we were and how close we were to the sides. It was hysterical. I know it sounds mean, but this is coming from a man who flies every single wk and overseas at least 3x a year. Fear of heights should have been conquered about 25 years prior to this experience! ha. It progressed to the point where he grabbed a pillow my sister was using and leaned over in the seat burrying his face in the pillow, in his lap, while saying, "Don't laugh at me, I think I'm getting sick". I know this story sounds mean  probably for us laughing at him, but you would have laughed too. It was so funny! My dad isn't chicken about anything...but woah did we find a fear he has! It was super funny, yet enlightening haha.

DC was a lot of fun, but less eventful and exciting than NYC. We toured the capital, where we actually got to see the president and his 400 secret service men enter the capitol...and that was super cool to see! We had a really great time in DC seeing all the monuments and things!

We got home on Friday night about midnight and all crashed all day Saturday! The trip was very much a success! It was so awesome to spend the wk with my family, away from any schoolwork and stress. I am very adament and truthful when I say that I have without a doubt the best parents I could ever have and possibly the coolest little sister ever... (really, try me! I am obsessed with my family! I love them more than they know.) and this trip verified it all! They're the best!

Oh and to top it off...I had an adult test on Monday at 8 AM the wk after SB.... and with one night to study.. (when I normally study for ab 4 days)..... I proudly pulled in an 89! Like I said earlier....everything about the past 10 days has been perfect...I just love it all and especially this Spring weather!


Tuesday, March 8, 2011


I have an intense case of spring fever. It's really bad, but thankfully this rainy weather has somewhat put a damper on it (But weirdly enough, I honestly love rainy/messy weather..strange I know). I think it's just the combination of spring break being in 3 days for me! Ahh!! And that I know when I get back from SB I only have 6 wks of school for the semester left! And that is a HUGE relief!

Anyone who knows me in the slightest bit knows that I am 1000000% OBSESSED with nursing. It's kind of out of control really. If your around me for more than 20 minutes, odds are I've already referenced something nursing related at least 3x. Like I am admitting publicly right now, that I enjoy studying for my classes and just everything that comes along with it (Nerd at heart). I mean don't get me wrong it's ridiculously hard and intense and overwhelming 98% of the time, but I think I've grown accustomed to that. I just love the act of caring and physically taking care of someone who can not do it for themselves. I believe that nursing is THE most humbling profession. Not going to lie there are some mornings that I wake up @ 4AM (yep, a day in the life of a nursing student) to go to clinicals and the last thing I want to think about is the things I'll be dealing with in the coming hours. But honestly I wouldn't trade my major choice for anything, because once I am on the unit with my patients I am in my element (ha! Soooooo cheesy!). But for real, I LOVE interacting with people, esp. my patients :)  Another nerdy confession, one of the books I am currently reading is a documentary type book titled "Nurse" that is about 6 wks in the life of a med-surg nurse. I just love it. All the things the author talks about are so true. And as I am going through my 3rd semester of nursing school in Adult and Mental health, I am truly seeing the themes in this book play out in my everyday clinical nursing care. On the back of the book in large print it says, "Sometimes I help people live. Sometimes I help people die. Always I help them. I'm a nurse." Ha..kind of dramatic, I'll agree, but it's true I feel like. I mean I don't know, you who are reading this may be thinking, please, give it a break, nursing is not that legit. But it is most definitely legit to me, and I absolutely love it. It's me. It's my personality. I am and have always been the one who wanted to take care of everyone. I don't know I just love loving on people.... Ok off my random nursing soapbox explosion! :)

But anyways so I have been doing intense schooling since last June and so this summer I have no classes to take and am planning to spend the summer with my first ever BFF, Miss Lindsey Gillen, in Guntersville on the lake relaxing, soaking up the sun, reading a billion books, and just enjoying the scenery of life! And I couldn't possibly be more excited!! Also I'm hoping, if everything pulls together correctly, I'll be leading a little disciple group with my sister and her 3 best friends, and I am over the moon about that (prayers please!)!! Needless to say, I am so ready for a break to relax and just enjoy and this summer is going to be my perfect chance!

Oh and P.S I am leaving for New York in 3 days and then DC in 8 days! Ahhhh! Im super excited for this much needed spring vaca!

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

And the walls came tumbling down...

This wk has been so "free" for me. I usually have clinicals at least 3 days a wk and class from 8-4 on Mondays and then studying every second in between all of that, but this wk I only have 1 day of clinicals and that's it! Its been so great and luckily the weather has been perfect, so that means lots of time outside :) It's funny though because it's like I have no idea what to do with my time during the days... like I almost have a little anxiety over it! Ha! But the break is much appreciated and now I'm even closer to SPRING BREAK!!! Ah I can't wait!

I know many of you know of the Radical Experiment. Well I read Radical over Christmas and my best friend {Sara :) } and I decided to give it a try. Well so far the only part I've really been able to keep up with is the daily reading of your bible, leading to reading through the Word in a year. So I use the little schedule for daily reading in the back of my Bible and it works great! So a lot of my posts will probably be stemming from that!

Today's reading was Joshua 5:13-6:27. I really found this passage neat. There were 2 main things that really stood out to me. So here goes.... this passage is the story of Joshua leading the Israelites into Jericho. God gave the people specific instructions on how they would enter Jericho. God told Joshua that him and his men would march around the city of Jericho for 6 days, once a day. Then on the 7th day they were to march around 7x and when they heard the long sound of the trumpet, they were to all SHOUT as loud as they could, and the walls of Jericho would go tumbling down! A simple shout cause these walls that were 25 ft high and 20 ft thick in some areas to fall! Now that is CRAZY! God wanted to show the Israelites that no weapons would win the war for them, only their faith and obedience in God. I feel like this is so applicable to how we should live our lives today. No weapons of hurtful words, harmful actions, and everything else we turn to to "defeat" others will ever advance us in the long-run. The only way we will triumph over our enemies and have full success is if we have faith in God and his plan for us! With faith and obedience to Him we will WIN, only because of Him--not because of me or what I did. The 2nd thing that really struck me weird at first was in 6:21. "They completely destroyed everything in it with their swords-- men and women, young and old, cattle, sheep, goats, and donkeys". When I read this I was like...woah, wait a sec, that sounds terrible! But then after further reading I discovered that God required them to destroy everything in Jericho and that none of it would be taken for themselves! God was carrying out the severe judgement on the Canaanites because of their evil practices and idolatry, they were the complete rebellion of God. God had to have everything having to do with Jericho destroyed because it would soon corrupt the Israelites if not done away with. Yet again, God was PROTECTING the people who loved and obeyed Him, from the things He KNEW would destroy them! This may have no correlation at all and I could be 100% off here, but it made me think about all the things that I want and desire for so strongly, yet never receive or have taken away. Maybe that's God's hands protecting me from what he knows would not be good for me and the effort for the right kind of living that God demands :)
